We’re on the list! We’re thrilled to share that our consistent, strong growth over the years has earned us the honor of being a member of the Inc. 5000 Class of 2023!

Research & Analytics

Research leads to results, guaranteed.

To help our clients better understand their audience, personalize communication and strike up a real conversation, we look to the data—first party and third party, as well as qualitative and quantitative research—then interpret the findings and deliver actionable insights as well as weekly/monthly/quarterly campaign analytics too.


Designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of your customers’ brand experiences and your industry competition, the O’Brien Voice of the Customer (o.VOC™) combines quantitative and qualitative data collection methods as well as secret shops. We identify differentiation, opportunities for excellence, appropriate messaging and marketing/operational approaches and provide an action plan to ensure that you are poised to provide a best-in-class experience.


The O’Brien Voice of the Employee (o.VOE™) is a study to understand, from an internal perspective, employee and key stakeholder brand perception, brand differentiators and customer consideration drivers. The o.VOE analyzes the internal views within an organization or business and compares those findings to o.VOC findings. We look for gaps between the two audiences and use those gaps to align the internal culture with all external strategic communications.


The O’Brien Brand Landscape Review (o.BLR™) is designed to statistically quantify unaided and aided awareness, brand favorability, brand equity, consideration drivers and current satisfaction. Provided in the review are comprehensive findings, a top-line visual of the typical customer journey, executive summary and an actionable recommendations report.

Digital Audit

Auditing your website will improve its speed, performance and searchability, in turn improving your customer engagement levels and profitability too. Using third-party tools, Google Analytics and user behavior, we evaluate and identify opportunities for keyword usage, website performance and user experience, then compare these findings against a set of competitors based on overall experience, organic search and referral traffic. Let the audit begin, right?

Social Media Audit

Before investing in your organic social media, you’ll want to know what’s working—and what’s not—across your competitive landscape. Social media audit to the rescue! We’ll review top post types, language and messaging, hashtags, and best-performing channels to determine the effectiveness of your social presence, allowing you to focus on strengthening your presence or expanding your audience.

Campaign Analytics

How do you measure lead generation, awareness and engagement efforts? With campaign analytics of course. From click-through rates to open rates, lead quality to conversation rates, we monitor and measure every step of the way.

Keyword Tracking

Setting up your website for SEO success is an ongoing process. We monitor the competitive landscape with our eyes, and our tools, on the industry leaders to continuously optimize your site for performance. Content creation can aid with such performance. And we can aid with content creation.

Let’s talk research. Or view more of our services.

Branding and Reputation Management

Lead Generation

Customer Engagement


Strategic Consulting