
Our 2025 Predictions for Marketing Trends

We surveyed some of our internal experts and compiled their insight on the most important trends brands should pay attention to in 2022 — and how we can leverage them together for greater success this year.

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360 Brand Identity Explained: The New Rules of Brand Marketing

Today a brand identity isn’t just something seen. Brands are felt through touch-screen technology, expressed through user-generated content, affirmed through satisfying customer service experiences and even lived through all-encompassing virtual experiences.

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Content Engagement Metrics and the Best KPIs

It’s critical that we measure our content campaigns. And the time to set content strategy metrics is during the content planning process, not after campaign launch. Before you publish your first piece of content, decide what the content metrics for the campaign will be.

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How To Build an Integrated Marketing Plan

Everywhere you look, you find messages that resonate with you and complement what you’ve already heard about a brand. Every message is different, but consistent. Every engagement moves you further through the marketing funnel until you purchase. This kind of marketing doesn’t just happen. Integrated marketing follows a proven formula.

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Thought Leadership Marketing: The Power of Personal Brands

The terms “thought leadership” and “personal brand” occur in conversations across both business and social […]

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Planning an Integrated Marketing Campaign in 2022?

An integrated marketing strategy will help ensure your marketing spend generates satisfying ROI. Here are five fundamentals to keep in mind as you determine your integrated marketing mix for the new year.

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Is Your Favorite Store a Franchise?

A constant push and pull exists between franchisees, who are independent business owners, and the corporate brands they represent. The franchises that master the art and science of developing healthy, long-term relationships between franchisees and owners are the most profitable.

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brand strategy


Brand Strategy Is About More Than Your Logo

The best brands are successful because they practice four branding principles religiously – they know who they are; align their culture to their brand; make experience match expectation; and hire people who live and love their culture.

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Your Rebrand Isn’t About You

Rebranding is NOT slapping a new logo on your marketing materials. Rebranding is also not about you. It’s about your customers. Use a rebrand to connect with new and existing customers around their needs and wants, not your products and services.

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